
February 1, 2022
3 min read
360q hospitality payroll

Starting a restaurant in a sleepy town with just over 1,000 residents might scare some restaurateurs. Not so seasoned chef Barry Iddles. When he saw a stunning building on the Queenscliff marina that had been sitting idle for some time, he saw an opportunity, and he took it. Throughout the years and during a global pandemic he’s seen his business not just survive, but thrive - with a little help from Microkeeper.

A dinosaur that learned to evolve

Barry calls himself a “dinosaur” when it comes to his life in hospitality. In business for more than 45 years, his accolades include being named Victorian Apprentice of the Year in 1975, and taking out Australian Chef of the Year ten years later. Before taking on 360Q, he made his name in restaurants and catering businesses from Melbourne, Bendigo and Sorrento to Falls Creek.

360Q turned into another success story. But as the business grew, doing things on paper wasn’t viable much longer. “Having 40 odd staff members and faxing timesheets to the accounts team became a bit frightening.”

While other dinosaurs went extinct, Barry has never been one to stand still. “It’s about getting off your bum and doing whatever it takes to survive. I live my life by six Ps; prior preparation prevents piss poor performance.”

Barry, Owner
"It’s super efficient. Microkeeper lets us do costed rosters and easily share them with our staff. Being automated it also cuts out time theft"

It was a conversation with a fellow business owner in Queenscliff that introduced him to Microkeeper. One system that handles all employee admin - from onboarding new staff, to handling payroll. “A godsend” Barry calls it.

“Our team clock on and clock off with Microkeeper and our payroll team can easily handle payroll and send it through to Xero instantly. It’s one of the best things we’ve implemented at 360Q!”

The benefits of the cloud

Travelling internationally at least twice a year exploring new flavours, the benefits of cloud software soon became apparent on his trips too: “Going to Microkeeper kept me visual all the time. It doesn’t matter where I am in the world."

I would be in Belgium, Denmark or travelling across the top of France, and to me Microkeeper gave me peace of mind, and it was just so seamless.

“A few years ago I was on a trip to Europe - on a continual basis I would check my rostering in Microkeeper, compare it to the booking system and I was able to trim or add staff where I needed to.”

Barry, Owner
"Covid was a chance to reset our businesses. Using Microkeeper prior saved me a fortune on payroll, as I didn’t need to pay someone for data entry.”4o

When it came to surviving COVID, 360Q could be considered very vulnerable. Located in regional Victoria at a ferry port that stopped operating during lockdowns and with a loss of international tourism - the impact of the global pandemic could have easily meant the end for 360Q. But it didn’t.

“Lots of businesses started looking at saving costs. Personally I shaved off $400K a year on our operating costs. I’d already trimmed the payroll with Microkeeper, so I had to look at other ways. But we came out of the lockdowns with the same 9 chefs and 14 front of house staff, so I’m very proud of what we achieved.”

Barry's advice

A final piece of advice for other businesses? Barry doesn’t have to think long about that. “It’s better to adopt a tool like Microkeeper today than tomorrow. Bite the bullet, and you’ll never look back.”

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